Joint Formula
Joint Arthritis/Rheumatism Formula
Usages: Here is a combination of herbs that helps promote detoxification; help act as a solvent for the accepted but not assimilated calcium deposits; herbs that help promote the relief of pain; herbs rich in new acceptable organic calcium that can be assimilated and useful; herbs that kill fungus and infection and that have the ability to help promote wonderful relief. Historically speaking this relief is not immediate because here is a long rebuilding job--gradual relief can come, and full healing, if the program is followed faithfully: Dosages: A cup two or three times a day (two capsules in Brigham tea or steam-distilled water). Use as a hot fomentation over extremely painful or crippled areas (in addition to this formula), formula called bone, flesh and cartilage Complete Tissue & Bone. Also drink 1 or 2 quarts of kidney bean pod tea daily. In addition for relief, an external application of formula Antiseptic Tincture X-Ceptic is recommended. Even though one uses these aids yet continues on with improper diet, one may get some help but not as much as going all the way. Remember the teachings for years have been--"No healing in this condition." We are giving people hope if they will follow through with these formulas and the mucusless diet Ingredients: hydrangea root Brigham herb yucca chaparral black walnut lobelia burdock root sarsaparilla wild lettuce valerian wormwood cayenne black cohosh Useful in Treating:
* Arthritis * Rheumatism