Kidney Formula
Kidney Formula (Formerly Juni-Pars)
Usages: Approximately 80% of the body is liquid, and much of this fluid must be pumped, filtered, etc., through the urinary system of the infividual. We generally do not take the best care of this delicate tract. Through it circulates irritating and clogging-type materials, i.e., tea, coffee, soft drinks, hard water, alcohol, etc. Over the years we have used a formula of herbs with people who have been afraid to be out in public because of lack of control over the urinary tract and unknowingly voiding urine. After using this formula, many people have found relief from this condition and are living normal lives again.
This formula is a specific for controlling or overcoming incontinence and for strengthening the entire urinary tract including the urethral canal, kidneys, and bladder. For bed wetting: upon retiring at night fasten a six or eight inch ball of yarn, string, or cloth onto night clothes in the middle of the back. This prevents the individual from lying on their back, which is generally the position that people void urine.
Dosages: Suggested use is 2 or 3 capsules between meals, or a cup of tea morning and evening taken with a cup of parsley tea.Ingredients: Juniper Berries Parsley Root Marshmallow Root Golden Seal Root Uva Ursi Leaf Lobelia Herb Ginger Root Juniper Berries |
Parsley Root |
Marshmallow Root |
Golden Seal Root |
Uva Ursi Leaf |
Lobelia Herb |
Ginger Root |
Anti-rheumatic |
Carminative |
Demulcent |
Anti-catarrhal |
Anti-septic |
Anti-asthmatic |
Anti-emetic |
Anti-septic |
Diuretic |
Diuretic |
Anti-hemorrhagic |
Astringent |
Anti-spasmodic |
Anti-Inflammatory |