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MTHFR Total B 60s

MTHFR Total B 60s

Regular price $46.50 AUD
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MTHFR Total B 60 Capsules: Support Your Methylation with This Comprehensive B-Complex
Product Description:

Experience optimal well-being with MTHFR Total B - a specially formulated B-complex designed for individuals with MTHFR genetic variations. This comprehensive formula provides activated B vitamins, including folate as methylfolate, to support healthy methylation, a crucial biochemical process in your body.* (Tags: MTHFR benefits, activated B complex)

Key Ingredients:

  • Active Folate (as Methylfolate): The preferred form of folate for those with MTHFR variations, crucial for DNA synthesis and cellular health.* (Tags: methylfolate benefits, MTHFR and folate)
  • Active B6 (as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate): Supports energy production, neurotransmitter function, and homocysteine metabolism.* (Tags: pyridoxal-5-phosphate benefits, MTHFR and B6)
  • Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin): Essential for nerve function, red blood cell formation, and DNA synthesis.* (Tags: methylcobalamin benefits, MTHFR and B12)
  • Additional B Vitamins (B2, B3, B5): Complete the B-complex, providing further support for energy metabolism, cognitive function, and overall health.* (Tags: B complex benefits, MTHFR and additional B vitamins)

Unlocking the Power of Methylation:

  • MTHFR Support: Provides activated B vitamins, particularly folate as methylfolate, to aid individuals with MTHFR gene variations.*
  • Cellular Energy Production: B vitamins play a vital role in converting food into energy, supporting your daily activities.*
  • Overall Well-being: Contributes to a healthy nervous system, cognitive function, and homocysteine metabolism.*